
INCELLDERM & botalab 紐約時代廣場廣告

紐約的時代廣場(Times Square)位於曼哈頓的核心地帶,是百老匯大道與第七大道交會的繁華商業中心,與旁邊的杜菲廣場相連,形成了一個獨特的弓形空間。


INCELLDERM & botalab New York Times Square Advertising

Times Square in New York is located in the core of Manhattan. It is a bustling commercial center where Broadway Avenue and Seventh Avenue intersect. It is connected to Duffy Square next to it, forming a unique arc-shaped space.

This is one of the largest advertising screens in the world, the most advanced outdoor digital large screen in the United States, and the world’s first fully digital LED display for commercial use. A window of city charm, it has become an important platform to spread corporate culture and attract tourists and travelers from around the world.

纽约的时代广场(Times Square)位于曼哈顿的核心地带,是百老汇大道与第七大道交会的繁华商业中心,与旁边的杜菲广场相连,形成了一个独特的弓形空间。



▍韓國RIMAN力曼 XS團隊聯合創辦人