
加入需繳交$600元入會費,且享有全球經營權,並且可以參與獎金分紅…等會員權益,獎金回饋10%~20%起跳。 所以比較後,建議直接選擇經銷商身份加入會員,雖然要繳$600元入會費,但長遠來看,賺到的獎金都遠超過入會費了!

To join, you need to pay a $600 membership fee, which grants you global business rights and access to member benefits such as profit-sharing bonuses, with cashback starting at 10% to 20%.

After comparing the options, it’s recommended to join as a distributor. Although you’ll need to pay the $600 membership fee, in the long run, the bonuses you earn will far exceed the cost of membership!


▍韓國RIMAN力曼 XS團隊 招募聯合創辦人
聯絡LINE : @698ndddba
合作信箱: sin800317@gmail.com